Prof. Brendan Thomas Monteiro
Consultant Psychiatrist


Your Expert Witness

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“I have been impressed by the passion and commitment that Brendan has shown throughout the development of the conference. He has been actively engaged in all elements and supported all staff particularly in terms of understanding the diverse needs of this group of patients.”

Dr Karen Stansfield
Associate Dean Enterprise and Engagement
University of Salford

“Rarely in one’s clinical career does one get the opportunity to work with a global authority in their field. Professor Brendan Monteiro is an expert in Deaf Mental Health with an international reputation, having set up three Deaf / Forensic Mental Health Services in the North West of England. I have had the pleasure and honour of working with him in the role of Staff Grade Doctor for the past 5 years.”

Dr Simon Parsons
Specialty Doctor in Psychiatry

“He consistently helps his patients, many with very complicated needs, to move through services in a manner that promotes nothing less than open and honest treatment for the individuals, and this in turn generates a huge amount of respect for him with patients frequently paying testament to his professionalism, caring approach and life changing treatments.”

Ron Morris BSc (hons) RMHN
Hospital Manger


Expert witness

I provide expert psychiatric reports to the Courts for Claimants and Defendants.

Honorary Professor

I am an Honorary Professor of Health and Society at Salford University, recognising my commitment to research in various aspects of Mental Health and Deafness.

Industrial injuries

Deafness caused by working in Noisy environments can be devastating and have personal, occupational, psychological and social consequences.

About Prof. Brendan Monteiro


I am a Visiting Consultant Psychiatrist to Jacobs Clinic, Sale; I am in the process of setting up an adult Autistic Spectrum Assessment and Diagnostic Services at the Clinic. I was a Consultant Psychiatrist working in Deaf Mental Healthcare for 37 years prior to this appointment.

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Accreditations & Memberships

Royal College of Psychiatrists
Institue of Expert Witnesses
Manchester Medical Society

General Medical Council Full Registration – GMC No:  2812610
Medical Protection:  Membership Number 1459644